Handmaiden Identification Guide

The following guide identifies the handmaidens in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, scene by scene. Click on any image to see the full-size version; place your mouse over the thumbnail image to read the caption.


# 1 The first scene that shows a handmaiden is the Flash Gordon transmission. We clearly see Eirtaé on the left side of the screen. The handmaiden on the other side is blocked throughout the scene. This has been deduced to be Rabé because of placement in the next scene.

Eirtaé, Amidala, and Rabé (we presume)


# 2 The second scene is Palpatine's hologram. There are six chairs in the Throne Room, but only four are occupied. Eirtaé is to the right of Amidala, which would be the left side of the screen. Rabé is on Amidala's left, our right, which is why it is thought she's the other handmaiden in the previous transmission. To Eirtaé's, and Panaka's, left, you can see another handmaiden. That is Yané. Saché is on the other side behind Sio Bibble and the Naboo Guard who checks the transmission generator. (The guard is played by Roman Copolla, Sofia/Saché's brother.) Therefore, the order is from screen left to right: Empté, Yané, Eirtaé, Rabé, Saché, and Empté. Sabé is not in this scene, probably remaining hidden as Amidala's ace in the hole.

Yané, Panaka, Eirtaé
Eirtaé, Amidala, Rabé
Guard, Saché


# 3 During the escort and rescue of the Queen and her party, Sabé has taken over as the decoy Queen. Padmé and the other four handmaidens are dressed in the flame dresses and are all present on the grand staircase, the courtyard, and the hanger. After the decision is made to leave Naboo, Yané and Saché are left behind.

Eirtaé, Yané, Saché, Rabé; Sabé is the decoy and Padmé is hidden behind Nute
Corrected Visual Dictionary Picture
Eirtaé (off-screen), Sabé, Rabé, Saché, Padmé, Yané


# 4 Sabé continues to pose as the Queen. During the Artoo, Sio-gram, and Coruscant landing scenes, Rabé and Eirtaé are the two handmaidens flanking the Sabé. And Padmé shows up too.

Rabé, Sabé, Eirtaé
Sabé, Rabé, Eirtaé, Padmé


# 5 During the Pre-Senate meeting in Palpatine's quarters, Amidala has taken over giving Sabé a much needed break. That's Eirtaé on left side of the screen and Rabé on the right.

Eirtaé, Amidala, Rabé


# 6 The infamous Anakin can't count scene. Rabé greets Ani obviously. Sabé is on the left side of the screen, Eirtaé on the right side behind Amidala.

Anakin, Rabé
Sabé, Amidala, Eirtaé


# 7 Two handmaidens go with Amidala to the Senate. The one on left in the pod is Eirtaé. Pale skin, thin lips. The one on the right next to Panaka is blocked throughout the scene. Now, Sabé was dressed to go out, but the official site and all other books and sources state that Rabé goes to the Senate. Perhaps after Anakin's visit, the Queen changed her mind about letting her decoy go.

Eirtaé and Rabé (hidden behind Amidala)


# 8 Rabé is in Palpatine's Quarters after the Senate debate. She's on the left side of the screen, Eirtaé on the right.

Rabé, Eirtaé


# 9 Sabé changes to the flame dress. She can be seen on the landing platform and in the ship. Sabé is to the right side of the screen of Amidala in the "I will take back what's ours" scene. Rabé is on the left, and Eirtaé is behind Jar Jar by the door.

Rabé (off-screen), Eirtaé, Amidala, Sabé
Rabé, Amidala, Sabé

#10 Jar Jar Returns. Jar Jar states, "Some kind of fighting, mesa thinks." As he says this line, you can see, in order, Rabé, Eirtaé, Sabé, and Amidala. Anakin is in front of Eirtaé.

Rabé, Eirtaé, Sabé, and Amidala



#11 Diversion in the Plaza. Eirtaé is with Amidala, and doesn't do much of anything, walking calmly to the door, allowing the Jedi to deal with things. Rabé is shooting up a storm behind Panaka. Sabé is nowhere to be seen.

Amidala, Eirtaé


#12 Hanger Battle. Sabé doesn't shy away from battle. She gets off a few good shots, but we don't see her again until the Viceroy scene. Eirtaé follows Amidala and group inside, and proceeds to look around for a clear shot at a battle droid. Rabé seems to have done well at Panaka's side.

Amidala, Eirtaé


#13 Battle against the Droidekas. Sabé still isn't around. Rabé and Eirtaé are at the very back of the group, but still firing against the Destroyer Droids.

Rabé, Padmé, Eirtaé


#14 Hallway. Rabé proving what a good fighter she is, and Eirtaé seems to be following her example.

Rabé, Eirtaé

#15 This one's a decoy! Sabé scores a direct hit on a battle droid. Eirtaé and Rabé are both there as back-ups.

Rabé (hidden), Sabé, Eirtaé


#16 Congratulations, Chancellor. This is a confusing shot. Four handmaidens during the side shots. From left to right: Yané, Rabé, Sabé, and Eirtaé. Front shot has the handmaidens in different places with two standmaidens! What gives?

Yané, Rabé, Sabé, Eirtaé


#17 The five handmaidens are in the back at Qui-Gon's funeral, but it is too dark to tell who's who.

Five Handmaidens!


#18 Disco Ball Parade. Four handmaidens. The first one is Sabé. It goes Sabé behind Anakin and Obi-Wan. Rabé behind Obi-Wan and Amidala. Eirtaé behind Amidala and Palpatine. Yané behind Palpatine and Panaka. So, from screen left to right: Sabé, Rabé, Eirtaé, and Yané.

Sabé, Rabé, Eirtaé


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